Monthly Archives: January 2015

Help! 2015 Inspiration

At the beginning of every year I say that I’m going to learn Swedish. It’s just that it’s hard to do when no one else speaks Swedish around me. I bought the Pimslur box set and have only listened to the first CD. Every now and then I’ll watch a YouTube video or download a free app to my iPhone. But that happens maybe a couple of times a year and I don’t retain anything. But on New Years Day, it’s a new me and I want to learn.

In past years I’ve contacted a Swedish club that’s about an hour or so away from where I live. The first Sunday of the month they have a brunch get-together and Swedish lessons on Monday evenings. Plus other events during the year. I’ll exchange emails with the guy, say I’m coming, but eventually cancel. It’s an hour away… it’s at night… I’d have to meet new people… This time I didn’t send the email because I figured he probably wouldn’t even reply back to me anymore.

Eric the Red bean doing some barbecuing!With this blog I intended to cook a lot more Swedish food than I normally do. It was a way for me “trick” myself into learn Swedish and the Swedish culture. Being a stay-at-home-dad you’d think I had all the time in the world to learn and do all kinds of things but that couldn’t be further from the truth. These kids need attention! I’ve been focusing what time I do have on my main blog, I’m getting close to 40,000 visitors a month on that one along with all the followers on the website, Facebook, Twitter and so on. I appreciate the 6 I have here. I forget if any were old email addresses of mine… mom? Craig? I also have been writing recipes for the You can subscribe to my posts by clicking here.

I still intend to read about and cook more Swedish food and learn the culture. I’d love to visit there one day but without the income to get there and since I don’t play the lotto… the Travel Channel, PBS shows and IKEA is how I get to see the country.

Were you able to learn Swedish yourself? If so, how did you do it? Any tips?

What are your favorite Swedish websites? Do you watch Swedish TV online? Food websites?

I need inspiration here. I’d hate to lose this website because I do love my Swedish heritage and I want to learn more about it and share it with others.